Slovmag, a.s. Lubeník
Slovmag, a.s. Lubeník
A New Tempering Furnace Launched

May 21st 2013 was the day of the ceremonial act of a new tempering furnace "christening" (See photo #1 and #2).
People contributing to a new tempering furnace "birth" had their meeting in the area of Slovmag.

Photo #1
Slovmag, a.s. Lubeník
A meeting was introduced by Mr. Formánek, a manager of company PKI Teplotechna Brno, which is a general contractor of furnace`s supply. A ceremonious moment of the meeting was underlined also by the presence of Mr. Mendheim - the author of technology and know-how from Germany.
Mr. Dojčár, general director of SLOVMAG "baptized" the furnace with champagne and gave her the name "Ľubena" as this name is connected to our region. He wished to young lady a long, healthy and - first of all - fertile life - as far as the production of quality products concerns. Mr. Vaskovič (see photo #3) has started a furnace operation tests. Hopefully we will manage to do all the next steps before launching the furnace into the regular operation in a short time. We believe that thanks to our new tempering furnace we will be able to successfully develope a perspective market of carbores bound carbon bricks.
Photo #2
Slovmag, a.s. Lubeník
Photo #3
Slovmag, a.s. Lubeník
Photo #1

SLOVMAG, a.s. Lubeník, 2013